your candle light in the rain
Candle light in sound
What is hate
Is when you pay full price for anything
When you work 8hrs and your ride is not here for you and your manger said she can’t give you a ride home and expect you to be there for them in the morning
And you walk 9miles to get home that night
To find out the rent is due and they can’t wait
For it
And people call the 911 on you so you have
To sleep outside
And everyone is laughing and you should have been more prepared
Damm what will they do when there check don’t clear
And they baby sick and in hospital
And my A+ has to save you from death and
Drinking and you think this air is clean what a joke
Hoe when you haven’t read anything to help
What is a encylopidia going to do
You are not ready for me
Here Trisha a draw a picture
I know you don’t want see me and u too beutiful but
Ummmm don’t be hoe
When you passed out on energy drink and expect your to cover a shift for you
6am and you know we been talking since 5pm the other day
When you know I am starving and
Walk away
When you trying to make me hood
And I am from the class room and read the whole book before you
When you asking me questions that has nothing to do with working here and flatlining my dreams so you can escape this place
You capping when you trying me I frount of these hoes like I don’t have place to be
When I worked 10hrs shift for whatever
Why in the way you making me look the part of hoe
I don’t play hoe be the lady and you know your role hoe I know too many of those
Dam my nigga that’s hate
I go
What did you say
You ok
I am ok now
I was waiting for the rain
Family killed in the hallway and these people wipe the blood of there face
What you here for
Ok on four
Two people kneed if fount that’s four
Nobody is talking to me but the money
That’s what porn is for
Preston ………
You need to stop giving people the answers
Because they don’t love you ……
That’s why they left you alone
Damm my nigga that’s hate
I am going to go watch porno
Where two Japanese girl say my name in Chinese
A that hurts cause we can be together
Damm what hated wourld
All these people and no one wants to help
But the call you in fount off family
We not from the same ends
I deal with these pictures at
Best they can’t lie to
I know you hate me got —edit
Here to replace cause in the end I mic me
That’s mic b
She is b